Goldent Digital has taken the dental laboratory to a complete new level. Our main values are the quality of customer service, satistaftion of a pacient and doctor and effective communication between us and our customers.
We make all kinds of zirconium prosthesis works (also on implant systems); milled ceramic (e-max type) crowns, onlays, inlays; metal-ceramic crowns, bridges; PMMA temporary plastic works and all kinds of aligners and splints.
Main goal of our team is to satisfy your and your patient's needs with our work. Orders are completed by professionals, who keep growing their knowledge.
Laboratory has grown to a 120m2 facility (3D printing, plastery, digital design laboratory, manual work laboratory and milling). We have 6 people on board working with us on a daily basis. Our work is completed only with the best materials and highest technologies.
More information:
+371 2568 9999

CAD/CAM design
Digital projections and manufacturing
Milled Zirconium
Full anatomy
Milled Zirconium
with esthethic ceramic overlay
Veneers |
Zirconium and E-Max
Zirconium onlays, inlays
Milled e-max
Surgical guidance
Planning and production
3D Printing
All types of aligners and guards
Our laboratory accepts orders worldwide via:
MeditLink, 3Shape, Itero system
Order form here
Express delivery is absolutely free of charge for our clients
Years of experience
10 k +
Satisfied customers
International certificates
Crew members

Arturs Ilaķis
Senior dental technician

Ilona Andersone
Dental technician

Egija Avena
Dental technician

Nils Marcinkus
Dental technician

Alda Jauģiete
Dental technician

Sandra Bužere
Production manager | Administrator

Full anatomy zirconium crown
Full anatomy zirconium crown on implant
Zirconium crown with esthetic ceramic overlay
Zirconium crown with esthetic ceramic overlay on implant
Zirconium veneer, onlay, inlay
E-max crown, bridge
E-max veneer, onlay, inlay
Metalceramic crown
Zirconium carcas
PMMA esthetic plastical crown
PMMA esthetic plastical crown on implant
Position's plan for implant (3D rtg + intraoral scan)
Every next plan for the same case
Surgical guide, 3D plan and printing
Whitening cap - Scheu Dental BIOPLAST bleach GER 1.00mm
Nighcap (two layered) - Scheu Dental DURASOFT GER 1.80mm
Mouthguard for sports (transparent, colored) – Scheu Dental BIOPLAST GER 3.00mm
Boxer's two layered mouthguard, frontal attachment - Scheu Dental BIOPLAST/DURASOFT GER
3.0mm + 2.0mm
Retention cap
Eliner + 3D printed form-– ZENDURA inc USA 0.76mm
Cape for attachment's positions fixation - ZENDURA inc USA 0.38mm
Eliner + 3D printed form
Working hours
Monday/Friday 9.00am-5.00pm